CyberAgric AppNeed a customized AI model for your farm?

Harnessing the Power of
CyberAgric AI For
Intelligent Farm Management

AI-Optimized Farming Solutions by Flexify Solutions.

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Get Instant Crop Insights

Instant Disease Detection with AI

Works Offline Anytime, Anywhere

Cassava Disease Detector

Our AI model can classify the detected diseases into Cassava Mosaic Disease(CMD), Cassava Bacterial Blight(CBB), Cassava Green Mite(CGM), Cassava Brown Streak Disease(CBSD), or healthy. Get tailored treatment recommendations.

Corn Disease Detector

Our AI is capable of recognizing diseases resulting from fungi, bacteria, and other pathogens, and can distinguish between the most prevalent corn diseases such as Leaf Spots, Leaf Blights, Ear Rot, and Goss's Wilt by analyzing images of leaves and ears.

Potato Disease Detector

Our AI-powered app analyzes images of potato plants and accurately identifies common diseases like Late Blight, Early Blight, Potato Scab, and Black Leg, enabling the implementation of tailored treatment strategies to curb disease spread and reduce crop losses.

Rice Disease Detector

Our advanced AI technology accurately pinpoints a range of rice diseases by analyzing images of affected plants. From major threats like Rice Blast, Bacterial Leaf Blight, Sheath Blight, and hispa to other infections caused by fungi, bacteria, or viruses.

Tomato Disease Detector

CyberAgric can accurately detect tomato diseases such as Bacterial Spot, Early Blight, Late Blight, Leaf Mold, Septoria Leaf Spot, Spider Mites, Target Spot, Tomato Mosaic Virus, and Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus, while also identifying healthy plants.

Smart Sensing Technology

We are working on an AI systems can predict soil quality and the optimal amount of fertilizer needed, thereby reducing overuse and runoff. This allows for on-the-spot analysis, which is particularly beneficial for precision agriculture.


Guide on the app usage

1.Capture or Upload Plant Images

Open the app and navigate to the crop disease detection feature for the specific crop you want to scan e.g Rice Disease Detector.

2.Submit Images for Analysis

Once you have the images, submit them for analysis. Note that you may be prompted to select the plant part (e.g., leaf, stem, fruit).

3.AI-Powered Disease Diagnosis

Our advanced AI model will analyze the submitted images, examining the visual patterns and identifying any signs of disease.

4.Review Recommendations

Along with the diagnosis, you will get tailored recommendations for effective disease management and treatment.

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Agriculture with Cyber Intelligence

An innovative AI-powered mobile application designed to revolutionize crop management for farmers.

  • - Accurately diagnose diseases affecting major crops using advanced computer vision and machine learning models.
  • - Leverage AI-driven insights for precise crop management, optimizing inputs, and maximizing yields.
  • - Access an AI-powered chat interface to ask agriculture-related questions and receive expert guidance on-demand.
  • - Get targeted recommendations for effective disease management, pest control, and cultural practices.
  • - Utilize AI models to forecast crop yields based on various factors, enabling better planning and decision-making.
  • - Promote environmentally-friendly farming methods by minimizing fertilizer usage and optimizing resource utilization.

Frequently Asked Questions

CyberAgric is an AI-powered mobile app that accurately diagnoses crop diseases through image analysis and provides tailored treatment recommendations. It features smart sensing technology to analyze soil quality and optimize fertilizer usage for precision agriculture. The app includes an AI virtual assistant to answer agriculture-related queries and offer expert guidance. CyberAgric promotes sustainable farming practices by minimizing chemical use and optimizing resource utilization.

CyberAgric uses advanced computer vision and machine learning models to analyze images of affected plant parts uploaded by the farmer. The AI model can identify visual symptoms and accurately diagnose the specific disease or pathogen affecting the crop, such as bacterial blight, fungal infections, or viral diseases.

You can inquire about crop management best practices, optimal planting and harvesting times, and ways to improve soil fertility. Regarding pest and disease management, you can seek guidance on identifying and controlling common pests and diseases, as well as recommendations for eco-friendly solutions. For irrigation and water management, you can ask about crop water requirements, efficient irrigation methods, and water conservation practices. On fertilizer and nutrient management, you can request advice on addressing nutrient deficiencies, calculating fertilizer application rates, and exploring organic or sustainable fertilizer options. Additionally, you can seek guidance on preparing for specific seasons or weather conditions, implementing climate-smart agricultural practices, and incorporating sustainable farming methods like agroforestry or crop rotation. Finally, you can inquire about any agriculture related questions.

CyberAgric's disease detection capabilities cover a wide range of crops, including rice, corn, cassava, potatoes, tomatoes, and more are being added. The app's AI models are trained on a vast dataset of crop diseases, enabling accurate diagnoses across various crop types.

CyberAgric's smart sensing technology allows farmers to analyze soil samples directly through the app(Still In Progress). By capturing images or data from soil samples, the app can assess soil quality, nutrient levels, and other factors. Based on this analysis, CyberAgric recommends the optimal amount of fertilizer needed, reducing overuse and runoff.

Yes, CyberAgric promotes sustainable agriculture by offering recommendations and guidance on environmentally-friendly farming methods. The app's AI virtual assistant can provide insights on integrated pest management, soil conservation techniques, and other practices that minimize chemical usage and optimize resource utilization.

CyberAgric supports precision agriculture by leveraging AI-driven insights and data analysis. The app can optimize inputs like water, fertilizers, and pesticides based on crop requirements and field conditions. Additionally, CyberAgric can forecast crop yields based on various factors, enabling farmers to make informed decisions and plan their operations more effectively.

Yes, CyberAgric is designed to support multiple languages and more are being added.